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Either in defense of people who are subject to criminal charges, or in representation of victims of a crime (assistance).

Our firm has a vast experience either in defense of people who are subject to criminal charges, or in representation of victims of a crime.

Regarding Criminal Law at an international level, the firm has a solid experience in extradition and information exchange, and it has worked in cases from various countries, for example: Panama, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and Brazil.


  • Defense of the former leader of the National Union of Education Workers (Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación Maestra Elba Esther Gordillo Morales) against several criminal charges, obtaining results of full innocence in each of her matters.
  • Defense of the General Secretary of the Mining Union: Napoleón Gómez Urrutia and other affiliates (criminal defense in Mexico and international extradition).
  • Defense of Vicente Fox Quesada, former president of Mexico, against the accusation of the former governor of Sinaloa for alleged defamation.
  • Defense in the case known as Amigos de Fox of the president of the United Mexican States and Carlos Rojas Magnon.
  • The firm was hired by Petróleos Mexicanos to manage the extradition process of the former director of PEMEX in the so-called PEMEXGATE. Coadjutors in the case in Mexico.
  • Defense for tax fraud against the Atlas Club Board of Directors and the former president of the Mexican Football Federation.
  • Assistance in the case of Grupo Carso in Brazil.
  • Defense of Daniel Ituarte, mayor of Zapopan, Jalisco, at his political trial.
  • Defense of high ranking government officials of the State of Jalisco against several criminal accusations, for example the following cases: alleged electoral crimes, bulletproof vest, DIF Jalisco (National System for the Comprehensive Development of the Family), Department of Culture, Department of Administration, Comptroller’s Office, SITEUR (Electric Rail System), ITEI (Institute of Transparency and Access to Public Information), MACROBUS (Bus Rapid Transit System), etc. Criminal prosecution on behalf of the Government of the State of Jalisco (coadjutor) against a former governor and his staff. Prosecution of several governors, representing the Institute of Transparency and Access to Public Information of the State of Jalisco (ITEI).
  • Expert opinion in Mexican Law and assistance in the defense of the extradition of the banker Carlos Cabal Peniche, in Melbourne, Australia.
  • ING’s consultants during the Fertinal litigation (extradition related).
  • Defense of the Mexican actor Sergio Sendel.
  • Criminal case of the Mexican singer Alejandro Fernández against Sony Music.
  • Defense of the so-called "Towelgate" regarding the General Director in Los Pinos (official residence for Mexican presidents).
  • Criminal defense of municipal public employees of Zapopan during the government of José Ramírez Acuña.
  • Criminal defense of Aristóteles Sandoval, mayor of Guadalajara, Jalisco, and his fellow public servers: EUMEX case.
  • Defense of Justino Compeán Woodworth.
  • Defense of Victor Manuel Landeros Arvizu, former Deputy Attorney General.
  • Defense of Daniel García Teruel, Martha Ortega, and Rosa Elvia Orozco, in the case that inappropriately intended to be linked to diversion of resources, during Ulises Ruiz’s government in the state of Oaxaca
  • Assistance in the case Unión Ganadera vs Barzón, led by its leader Maximiano Barbosa.